Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Grandma Linde & Muffey
Some of you knew that my Grandma Linde had breast surgery yesterday afternoon. Thanks for your prayers. I talked with my dad this morning. The surgery went well. Hopefully they were able to remove both lumps. The biopsy results will come back Monday. Please pray that she doesn’t have cancer. If she does, she says she doesn’t want treatment. My grandfather passed away this past fall and she really misses him. Pray that she decides to fight- especially if a more aggressive surgery could take care of it. She loves the Lord with all her heart and is at peace about her future. Pray that my family and I would rest in Jesus’ care for us and her. Here's a pic of her with 2 of her 3 kids this May.

My parents are going to put my dog, Muffey, to sleep today. When I was home in June they told me they were going to put her down and so I said my goodbyes to her. We’ve had her since I was 10. She’s old and in a lot of pain. They think she has cancer through her whole body. Please pray for my siblings as they say goodbye to her today- Christie, Sara and Peter. The appointment is this afternoon.

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