Thursday, March 30, 2006

50 “United” States?

Getting your driver's license and new car plate is always an adventure when you move to a new state. My experience was no different. I thought I had done excellent research before going to the Pennsylvania DMV but I soon learned I was wrong. I drove at least 25 minutes one way to be told I was missing some pertinent information.

On my way back to Glenside, PA I contemplated these “United” States of America. The 50 states are united in so many ways but when it comes the DMV, our country functions as 50 separate states. I’m not sure why the Pennsylvania DMV wasn’t able to take my valid, up-to-date Georgia driver's license and transfer it to Pennsylvania without having to prove my U.S. citizenship. Does anyone have any answers as to why the DMV is such a challenge?

At least the PA license plates are good looking: