Monday, April 14, 2008


Spring is here in Philadelphia. It makes my heart so happy. Running is a gift from God to me. Erik Liddle said it perfectly, "when I run I feel God's pleasure." When I run I think, dream, pray and let my mind wander. A run will aways do me good if I'm happy, sad or moody.

My favorite place to run in the city is Boathouse Row along the Schuylkill River. All the trees are in bloom. I'm not a sure all the names of the trees but I know some are cherry, weeping willows, lily trees and dogwood. I can't describe the beauty.

A few friends and I are training for the Broad Street 10 mile run. Last week I brought my camera on one of my runs to try to capture the beauty along the river. Below are a few of my shots. You can see more on my flickr page.