Monday, April 02, 2007

Kimiko & Garrett
March 31, 2007

What a blessing to witness the marriage of Kimiko & Garrett. Instead of having a receiving line they returned to the sanctuary and dismissed each row. They were able to greet each guest this way. What a great idea!

We danced the night away. The bride and groom left around 11:30 and the last few of us left at midnight. Now that's a party!

Keren was beautiful in her bridesmaid dress. She also sang at the reception.

WHM friends

The day after the wedding the New City folk were at my church for Palm Sunday. This is Kimiko's home church. My worlds came together and Randy coined the phrase "Philla-nooga."

Jim & Joan played a song during worship

More wedding pictures:


X said...

nice dress, yourself!

HumbuckerChapell said...

One of my dear friends from high school was there- Rachel McDonald. I thought it a small world that she was friends with both of them and not from Chattanooga. But, I wonder if you met her. Anyway, I hope you are well. I have enjoyed reading your blog. I came across it when reading AC's. Where in Philly are you? I lived in West Chester...