Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The MOB (mobilization) team goes to VA for an intern retreat

Below left to right: Bethany (I wrote about her a few posts ago), me, Heather (recruiter for MOB), Dan (senior recruiter of MOB), Matthew (recruiter for MOB)

The MOB team from World Harvest met the WHM summer interns in Virginia for a weekend of praise and worship, sharing, eating around the fireplace and playing team building games. WHM is sending about 30 interns to various countries this summer for two months. Below are the interns that were able to come to a retreat. It was so much fun to get to know these college students who have a heart for the Lord and are exploring missions.

They will be heading to countries such as Uganda, England, Ireland, Prague and Romania. To read more about the internships go to

During one of our times of praise and worship...

This was a team building trust game we played outside in the snow...

The cabin we stayed in was on top of a mountain overlooking this beautiful valley...